
Our curriculum encompasses all the interactions, experiences and routines that occur each day; all intended to support children’s learning and development.  Some of these are planned and others are unplanned.

Educators offer a wide range of intentional, age appropriate experiences that encourage children to learn through play. A holistic approach is used when working with children, paying attention to the physical, social, emotional, creative and cognitive aspects of their learning. In this way, children’s learning is seen as integrated and interconnected.

We also focus on connections to the natural world. Educators foster children’s capacity to understand and respect the natural environment.

Playrooms and outdoor play spaces are well equipped and offer children access to a diverse range of resources that assist and enhance their development.

Each child’s progress is documented as part of our system of observing, analysing and responding to their on-going interests, strengths, knowledge and development. This information is used to inform our monthly educational programs and also for each child’s individual portfolio. Copies of educational programs are emailed to parents on request. Individual portfolios go home towards the end of December and are available at all other times at the centre for parents to look at.

Phoenix Children’s Services